Understanding IV Fluids - Guide


As nurses, we administer all kinds of fluids daily! These are also key to understanding NCLEX and nursing exam IV Fluid related questions.

But why is it sometimes we administer some IV fluids over others, with different concentrations? Why 0.9% NS this time, and 0.45% NS for something else?

It all comes down to the basics and understanding the actual body fluid compartments. This comprehensive guide will start by going over the bodily fluid compartments and what each of them mean, and then go into detailed visual explanations with tips to remember each, on:

  • Crystalloid versus Colloid Solutions

  • Hypotonic Solutions

  • Isotonic Solutions

  • Hypertonic Solutions

  • Colloid Solutions

For each solution type , you will also find

  • examples

  • indications

  • key considerations

~ 5 pages ~

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As nurses, we administer all kinds of fluids daily! These are also key to understanding NCLEX and nursing exam IV Fluid related questions.

But why is it sometimes we administer some IV fluids over others, with different concentrations? Why 0.9% NS this time, and 0.45% NS for something else?

It all comes down to the basics and understanding the actual body fluid compartments. This comprehensive guide will start by going over the bodily fluid compartments and what each of them mean, and then go into detailed visual explanations with tips to remember each, on:

  • Crystalloid versus Colloid Solutions

  • Hypotonic Solutions

  • Isotonic Solutions

  • Hypertonic Solutions

  • Colloid Solutions

For each solution type , you will also find

  • examples

  • indications

  • key considerations

~ 5 pages ~

As nurses, we administer all kinds of fluids daily! These are also key to understanding NCLEX and nursing exam IV Fluid related questions.

But why is it sometimes we administer some IV fluids over others, with different concentrations? Why 0.9% NS this time, and 0.45% NS for something else?

It all comes down to the basics and understanding the actual body fluid compartments. This comprehensive guide will start by going over the bodily fluid compartments and what each of them mean, and then go into detailed visual explanations with tips to remember each, on:

  • Crystalloid versus Colloid Solutions

  • Hypotonic Solutions

  • Isotonic Solutions

  • Hypertonic Solutions

  • Colloid Solutions

For each solution type , you will also find

  • examples

  • indications

  • key considerations

~ 5 pages ~